

Workers Comp Insider

Reproductive freedom should be a major focus for Kamala Harris. Here’s why.

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, many have waited to see to what degree states might either restrict or ban abortions and, if they did, how problematic that would be for women’s health. Now we know. The Commonwealth Fund has released its annual study on women’s health, entitled, 2024 State Scorecard on Women’s […]

Biden’s heroic withdrawal is tactically brilliant

After his calamitous debate performance, the knives came out for Joe Biden. The media snowball gathered momentum and size as it rolled down the democratic political mountain. Through it all, he stood firm, vowing to stay the course. For three years, Trump’s team has been building and executing its Biden attack playbook. The debate only […]

Examining the conversion of J.D. Vance from Trump critic to Trump disciple

Eight years ago this month, when Donald Trump was campaigning for the presidency and flying around America on his private jet, the one with “Trump” written in huge, blue letters on its fuselage to make sure everyone knew just who was in it, J.D. Vance, a San Franciscan venture capitalist at the time, wrote a […]

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